How is your Memory - Good/Sharp/bad?

Memory lapses are common. Temporary memory loss can be controlled by mind-enriching games and cardio-vascular exercises.
     Difficulty remembering? Misplacing your keys, going to shop and forgetting what you were supposed to buy, forgetting name of person you were introduced to a few moments ago, are the few common memory lapses. This pseudo dementia or temporary memory loss can we control by regular workouts, by extra curricular activities, playing games, socializing, cardio vascular activities, eating nutritious food and by keeping control on stress, depression.

Optimal amount of work is good for the brain, but over work, stress and depression affects memory. The excessive use of mobile phone and other gadgets affects ones memory, specially youngsters. There is no scientific evidence that multitasking sharpen your memory, it is believed that people living in Big metropolis tend to suffer from memory loss is more than those in small town. Concentration indices are less and memory lapses are certainly more in bigger metros. Some experts differs. In fact, life in urban areas throws more challenges and you are expected to be responsive to stimuli, where challenges are far less in villages and small town. Children brought up in enriched environment have better memory then those raised in an environment with no stimulus.
        Ones training, education, and mood also affect your thinking. People with higher education are trained to use different kinds of memory.
