Please take Depression seriously

Depression is no longer a disease of the elderly, it is also taking the children into custody. Recently, the report of World Health Report, revealed that one in every four children aged 13 to 15 years suffers from depression in India and Eight percent of teenagers are victims of restlessness due to anxiety, they do not sleep, so many percent of children feel most of the time or always loneliness.

Surprisingly, it is also known in the report that a large number of Indian children have complained to their parents about their low intimacy. Research has been continuously pointing out that parents are being more sensitive to the needs of the children than the future of children, pushing them into depression. The reason for mental pressure on the children is the continuous decrease of communication between the parents and the condition of having children not enough time by the working parents to keep track of children at all times through various means, which is what psychotherapist 'Helicopter Parenting ', Is pushing them towards depression.

The obvious reason is that the relationship that should get the highest emotional conviction and trust, breaking the children's confidence. Constant reading pressure is creating a dangerous level of anxiety and stress in children. This situation is not only of India but of other countries of the world. The study in the US St. Louis University School of Medicine also tells the same. When surveyed the strveness and anxiety among high school students, it was found that 54% of the students had symptoms of stress and 80% had symptoms of anxiety in the middle. Generally this situation remains globally. Education requirements are getting out of control. Children spend more than seven hours in school, doing homework at night, playing sports, music classes, and continuous pressure of such activities remains on them.

In every activity, superiority, better admission in college, good job and a definition of the materiality of successful life, they are given a pig in such a way that they are stunned, but are helpless. Instead of making children right and capable, this method of upbringing is affecting their health, their abilities are continuously decreasing. The pressure of teachers and parents has increased so much that children of four or five years also live in fear.

The world that is constantly discussing 'depression' is probably ignoring this aspect that 'depression' does not come suddenly. It starts from early childhood, which becomes so strong till the adolescence that layer-to-layer that children take a deadly step like suicide. Suicide statistics of the year 2015 show that on average, one student commits suicide every hour in our country. This is a warning, not just for parents but for the entire society and education system. School teachers and parents need to sit and analyze the minds of the children. Homework, homework should not be given in the holidays, children should not be rigidly treated, these are some of the topics that are required to be discussed.

In this direction, the Haryana Government has taken a good initiative. From the forthcoming session in 50 schools in the state, students will not have to go to school by taking bags. Their books will be kept in the school, so that children are not forced to do homework at home. Apart from this, the 'Class Readiness Program' is also preparing to teach students through sports. If such a system becomes part of the education system of the entire country, then the children will be able to read in a stress-free environment. Parents also need to understand that children expect them to love, trust and encourage them, and the reduction in them is making them sick.
