Before the Paris Climate talks

Briefly -
Countries that account for 93% of carbon emission is said to meet in Paris. Here they will put up plan/pledges to implement the emission cuts. The Paris climate treaty will be in full effect in 2020. The target will be to cut at least 2 degrees C about pre-industrial levels. The current problem is the temperature will rise by anything between 2.7 to 3.3 degree C at the end of 21st century.

In Paris, the focus would be on China is the world's top emitter followed by United states and India. Australia is the largest emitter per capita. The climate of will held for 12 days (number 30 - December 11). Some 195 countries plus European Union will participate.

Few more points -
Poor countries will be paid at least $ hundred million every year by rich countries from 2020 adapting for climate change and reducing emissions(at present they paying half). These funds are being aimed to be utilised for adapting green technology, enable energy and going to low carbon paths for development. Since rich countries are mostly responsible for carbon emission, the demands of poor development countries must be met. They must be given funds to repair the damage caused by climate change and global warming. In Paris, there will be a  plan for future aim with increasing cuts and a regular monitoring mechanism.
