Theodore Harold Maiman, an engineer at Hughes Research Laboratories in California switched on a gadget and watched as pulses of light sprang from a pink ruby crystal. It was the moment when laser was born. today, laser is used in various places. It is used for transport of data at speed of light, used in measuratin of materials with high precision, used to cut materials with precision. In supermarkets, used of bar code scanners. Lasers have various military applications also. they are used in self-targeting bombs, sniper guns etc. lasers are used in adaptive optics. lasers are used in astronomical telescopes. Astronomers have a problem with Earth's atmosphere blurring effect.
Laser application in adaptive optics

With the help lasers that blurring effect is cancelled and hence lasers are used in adaptive optics. Now a days lasers are being used in precision welding. We can also find that laser has very good use in healthcare sector as they are used in zap cancer, used in to cure short-sightedness. lasers are used in surgery. Today the laser powers the internet. Over a million lasers are used to drive the internet traffic. Back in 1917, theoretical physicist Albert Einstein proposes the theory of "Simulated Emissions" in which a light particle, introduces an atom to emit an identical photon. Charles Towners, then builds a forerunner of laser, a 'maser'(microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).

Researchers are tying to use lasers as future clean energy source. In United States, National Ignition Facilities will soon train giant laser beams on a tiny hydrogen fuel in an attempt of fuse the element to make helium so as to release a colossal amount of energy same as the core of sun. Defence scientists are designing the futuristic laser based weapons. advancement in technology has made it possible military testers to shoot down incoming weapon.

Laser based weapon on USS Ponce

Image sources - Wikipedia
